Breaking down barriers with Invisalign’s digital pop-up experience

Objective: Design Invisalign’s first DTC pop-up experience, promoting real results to boost referral rates.

Invisalign is a multi-market dental brand, specialising in clear aligners which are available following a consultation with a dentist. The brand was looking to raise awareness in the UK and showcase the transformative benefits of its products, with a unique interactive brand activation concept.

Our brand experience design team defined Invisalign’s first direct-to-consumer pop up, using innovative digital technologies and the power of peer-to-peer recommendations to its fullest - breaking down barriers to engagement. We created an interactive brand activation design, using motion gestured content on screens throughout and brought the brand’s augmented reality technology ‘SmileView’ to the heart of the high street. Inviting passing shoppers to try-no a new smile and talk informally about what really matters to them: having a nice smile.

Our retail strategy, to take the brand directly to the consumer, increased their brand awareness in a new market, drove high levels of consumer engagement and achieved a major uplift in dental referrals. The high ROI of our digital popup design saw them extend the lease at Westfield and then take their new interactive brand activation design on tour across Europe.

Taking the brand to the consumer: our digital popup design, re-imagined Invisalign’s brand experience and referral system, with enviable commercial results.
Interactive brand activation design: see first-hand how the Invisalign product could improve your smile by taking a selfie and using the ‘SmileView’ augmented reality technology.
Flipping retail marketing on its head: with rising trust in peer-to-peer commerce, influencers were used to sell the product experience instead of overtly branded communications.
The personal touch: Our digital popup design focused on people’s personal experiences using the product, and the brand’s transformational proposition.

Talk to us about interactive brand activation design

If you are looking for an experiential marketing agency in London to lead your next brand campaign and activations project, let’s talk. You can also check out other creative retail pop-up designs on our work page, or take a look at our Wonder blog for all the latest customer experience insights and retail design inspiration.

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